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Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Benefits of Internet Web Sites

Benefits of Internet Web Sites

There are many benefits of the use of Web.Benefits of Internet Web Sites Different types of organizations use the Web for different purposes. The major benefits of Internet web sites are:

A manufacturer provides you the information about its products, prices and where they are available for sale.
A shop provides you a list of goods available, price of each item.
An airport provides you the latest information about flights arriving and / or leaving the airport.
A television station provides you the information about its programs, the latest news etc.
Newspapers provide the up-to-date or latest news.
An encyclopedia publisher provides on-line facility to access or search any information on any topic in the world.
The weather forecasting departments of each country provide the latest forecasts of their countries.Benefits of Internet Web Sites
A writer (author) provides you a list of his books, which are published or in print.
Film Actors/Actresses and sportsmen provide their introduction with pictures.
Search engines provide you a facility to search different information or other sites on the Internet.
Medical sites on the Internet provide information about diseases. These sites also let you consult a panel of doctors on-line who will advise you about any medical problem.
Online education web sites who taught about technology like


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